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The following is a list of articles that was recommended to me for ACCE Certification. Many of the articles are from the standard reading list for the European Diploma of Echocardiography (EDEC) which is the European equivalent to the NBE ACCE Certification. The EDEC part of the list is published as a supplement to the international consensus statement on training standards for advanced critical care echocardiography. Expert Round Table on Echocardiography in ICU (Intensive Care Med. 2014;40:654-66). This Statement is well worth the read, as it is a definitive summary of ACCE. It serves as the basis for EDEC which I am told has a close relationship to the NBE ACCE Certification.


As the Statement was published in 2014, I have supplemented the EDEC reading list with some more recent articles. You will note that much of the literature on ACCE comes from French investigators who are responsible for the development of ACCE as a well defined sub-category of echocardiography.


This reference list is not exhaustive. It is representative of contemporary literature, guidelines, or review articles germane to the evolving field of ACCE. I welcome suggestions of additional articles that would be useful to the NBE ACCE Certification candidate

Hemodynamic Monitoring
Heart-Lung Interactions

LV Diastolic Properties & Filling Pressures

LV Diastology
LV Systolic Function - General
LV Systolic Function in Sepsis
Pericardial Tamponade
Localized Pericardial Effusion
Valvular Assessment
RV Disease

Volume Responsiveness

Feissel M, Michard F, Mangin I, et al. Respiratory changes in aortic blood velocity as an indicator of fluid responsiveness in ventilated patients with septic shock. Chest 2001;119(3):867–873.


Vieillard-Baron A, Chergui K, Rabiller A, et al. Superior vena caval collapsibility as a gauge of volume status in ventilated septic patients. Intensive Care Med 2004;30(9):1734–1739.


Barbiere C, Loubieres Y, Schmit C,, et al. Respiratory changes in inferior vena cava diameter are helpful in predicting fluid responsiveness in ventilated septic patients.  Intensive Care Med 2004;30(9):1740–1746.


Brennan JM, Blair JE, Hampole C, et al. Radial artery pulse pressure variation correlates with brachial artery peak velocity variation in ventilated subjects when measured by internal medicine residents using hand-carried ultrasound devices. Chest 2007;131(5):1301-1307.


Mahjoub Y, Pila C, Friggeri A, et al. Assessing fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients: False-positive pulse pressure variation is detected by Doppler echocardiographic evaluation of the right ventricle. Crit Care Med 2009;37(9):2570-2575.


Mahjoub Y, Lejeune V, Muller L, et al. Evaluation of pulse pressure variation validity criteria in critically ill patients: a prospective observational multicentre point-prevalence study. Br J Anaesth 2014;112(4):681-685.


Vignon P, Repessé X, Bégot E, et al. Comparison of echocardiographic indices used to predict fluid responsiveness in ventilated patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;195(8):1022-1032.


Vieillard-Baron A, Evrard B, Repessé X, et al. Limited value of end-expiratory inferior vena cava diameter to predict fluid responsiveness impact of intra-abdominal pressure. Intensive Care Med 2018;44(2):197-203.

Volume Responsiveness
Infectious Endocarditis
Acute Aortic Dissectio
Blunt Cardiovascular Trauma
Cardiovascular Systemic Emboli
Right to Left Shunt
Pulmonary Embolism
Complications of MI
Competency & Training
Transesophageal Echocardiography
General Review
General Critical Care Ultrasongraphy
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